Black Lives Matter

Hi! Well, I took a little bit of a hiatus from this project. But I'm back now and I have decided that I am going to use my voice to write on the tragedy that is America right now.

First, I would like to share the summary on what BlackLivesMatter is, as stated on the official website:
'#BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin's murderer. Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. By combating and countering acts of violence, creating space for Black imagination and innovation, and centering Black joy, we are winning immediate improvements in our lives.' 
The following is a list of things that I am doing:

1. Simply watching this youtube video!
As I'm writing this post and doing other tasks on my mac, I have this video running in another tab. Video created by Zoe Amira, all ad revenue is going to associations that offer protestor bail funds, help pay for family funerals, and advocacy. In order for this to work--make sure you let all the ads run through!

2. Signing petitions. I've signed all of the following:
Raise the Degree (
Justice for George Floyd (
Justice for George Floyd (
Raise the Degree (
Arrest the Other Three (
Justice for George Floyd (
George Floyd (
Charge All Four Officers (
Justice for Ahmaud Arbery (
Pass Hate Crime Bill (
Justice for Emerald Black (
Creative a National Database for Police Shootings (

3. Follow. Stay informed. Know what's happening.
Black Lives Matter on Instagram
Sign up for updates on #WhatMatters2020:
'BLM’s #WhatMatters2020 is a campaign aimed to maximize the impact of the BLM movement by galvanizing BLM supporters and allies to the polls in the 2020 U.S Presidential Election to build collective power and ensure candidates are held accountable for the issues that systematically and disproportionately impact Black and under-served communities across the nation. BLM’s #WhatMatters2020 will focus on issues concerning racial injustice, police brutality, criminal justice reform, Black immigration, economic injustice, LGBTQIA+ and human rights, environmental injustice, access to healthcare, access to quality education, and voting rights and suppression.'
4. Since I have all the time in the world right now (no work or school), I have no excuse not to educate myself. The following questions are what I will be working on and I hope you will consider doing the same:
- What are my local politicians' policy on ending police brutality?
- How can I be actively anti-racist instead of simply "not racist"?
- In what ways have I ignored this behavior in the past?
- What information can I teach people?
- How do I behave when confronted by racist behavior?
- What am I committed to doing outside of social media to end racial discrimination and systematic oppression?

5. Some educational Netflix shows (I just found this list and plan to begin watching them tonight!) :
- Films
- 13th (Netflix)
- American Son (Netflix)
- Dear White People (Netflix)
- See You Yesterday (Netflix)
- When They See Us (Netflix)
- If Beale Street Could Talk (Hulu)

I will continue to update this post & add to the list. I stand against racial injustice and police brutality.

Sarah xx


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