5 Things To KNOW Before College

1. You're going to overpack. And that's okay!
  • Keep a note (Notes app on phone is great) during your first semester of what you didn't need to bring and what you could've brought. When you next go home for a break or in between semesters, bring home what you didn't need. 
  • It's really important to keep your room decluttered of things you are never going to need since the dorms can be so tight!

2. Registration is never fun nor easy.
Be prepared to bring your A-game when selecting your classes. Varies by school but these are the rules I stick by: 
  • For example, if registration days are broken up by graduation year, don't start planning classes until the class before you is done. I have made the mistake of making multiple class plans way too early and then all of those classes were filled by upperclassmen. Save yourself the stress of having to do the process twice!
  • With that being said, leave plenty of time to actually plan. Deciding on classes, professors & times a few days in advance to registration will save you a lot of trouble & anxiety! When I say, 'plans,' I mean that some universities allow you to make schedule plans with all your classes and then when registration opens you can upload a plan. You aren't guaranteed the whole plan but it is so important to do this to ensure you at least get a few of your top pick classes. 
  • Ratemyprofessor.com is a real thing and should be used carefully.

3. Don't buy textbooks before the first day.
  • Unless your professor sends you a welcome email telling you the textbook will be used. However, some professors aren't going to provide this email, leaving you to either (a) initiate the conversation by sending them an email asking or (b) wait till the first day of class when they will tell you in person. 
  • Do your research on each textbook to find it for the cheapest. I have had a great experience with Amazon Textbook Rentals since it is super easy to use and way more affordable than the university bookstore prices. 
  • Textbook share!! Ex: one of my best friends had the same exact turbo just hours before I had it and the textbook was very much needed. It was pretty expensive (over $140) and since we needed it at different times, we figured out we could buy one and split that price. Genius. Ex2: online textbook was needed and so I was a part of a whole group that bought one textbook and made a shareable username/password so we could all access it and save money together!
  • Don't hesitate to ask as many questions as you want to your professor about textbooks. They are a hefty weight on students. I recommend finding out if older versions of the textbook would work just as well, as that can be another way to lower the price.

4. You don't need to be in a million clubs. 
  • It's a common thought that the more clubs you join, the better it is for your resume. This is not true! Your job interviewers will ask you questions about each club/organization specifically; If you are not attending the meetings or actively being involved, it's going to show in the interview and hurt you. Stick to a few things that you enjoy and learn from.
5. Start making friends and connections as soon as orientation starts.
  • If you tend to be on the quieter side, know that you should try to push yourself out of your comfort zone during orientation. You will see these people again later down the road and throughout the years. Making solid relationships early on will help you in the long run. 
  • It may take you a few months to be comfortable with putting yourself out there.
  • The first friends you make are not always the friend group you will stick with for four years. Nothing is set in stone and you still have so many people to meet!

Advice from friends:
  • "College is not like high school. Every high school class bombarded me with hours of homework to prepare for college but I have less work in college than I ever did in high school"
  • "I never knew what a syllabus was before college"
  • "Yeti/reusable water bottle and Brita"
  • "Be yourself :) These are your life friends so be open and genuine"
  • "Bring DayQuil and NyQuil because it costs $30 in the school store"

More advice:

I would love to hear from you in the comments below! If you have any other tips/advice feel free to share!
Sarah xx


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