College Guide To: Scheduling & Distraction-Free Studying

Planning & Scheduling

I have found the Apple Calendar App to be the most efficient and effective, when compared to a paper planner. Before the start of each semester, I put in all my classes. The digital format is great since there is the option to add reminders and alarms, which I actually did take advantage of last semester. An alarm went off 10 minutes before every one of my classes. Below is a list of topics I add:
- wake up time
- appointments/meetings
- when to work on specific assignments
- when tickets go on sale
- miscellaneous events
- time for gym/workout/run/fit classes
- time for LinkedIn/networking
- club/intramural sports
- project due dates
- phone calls
(more often than I would like to admit I would add in breakfast, lunch & dinner!) *Extreme planner*

Every Friday I quickly skim my school's master event calendar (frequently updated) and add things for the following week, that way the weekend begins and I have my calendar set for Monday.

I especially love the Apple Calendar because I can check my schedule on both my mac and phone!

Don't Forget: leave blank spaces in schedule for rest/breaks/etc.

Study Location
Ok, not much I'm picky about but when it comes to w h e r e I'm studying, I'm very picky. I get easily distracted and go back to previous places I was successful at being productive. For me I love:
- cubicles in quiet library
- quiet floor of business school
H o w e v e r, I love seeing friends so when I'm not studying for long, in-between classes, or needing too much focus, I love to sit in spots that get traffic between classes. For me, this is at the high-top tables in the lobby of the business school. I love it because of the big windows (I have a weird superstition that I have to be near windows often because I need to be able to look outside) and every hour and fifteen people walk by so I'm bound to have multiple conversations as a study break!

Everyone is different though-I have best friends who prefer sitting in busy cafes! Once you find your spot, you're golden.

Do Not Disturb Mode
As soon as I'm out of bed I turn on Do Not Disturb on my phone. It significantly reduces the amount of time I spend on my phone since it isn't constantly lighting up or buzzing. Only downside is when friends call - I always miss calls and don't realize.

Skip to:
- grading policy
- participation
- course schedule (due dates)

Put due dates in Calendar before semester starts! If you have a digital copy of syllabi, keep them on your computer instead of in paper folders.

This is how I set up every single semester and it has helped so much with knowing where everything is!

Apple Notes App
Ok, this app I use for a millionnnnnnnnnnnn different things:
- homework (easy to erase when done)
- anything that needs attention/random thoughts
- shopping lists/products I'm running out of
- list of things I want to learn on my own
- chores
- books to read

Quizlet is awesome-but it doesn't work for every class. I especially love it for:
- using the flashcards for Spanish/english
- memorizing different people in history
- economics vocabulary
They also have memorization games and generate quizzes for you to test yourself through T/F, MC, written questions, etc.

Final Study on Printer Paper
My final review before tests/the last night before, I study on printer paper. By this point, I have typed out/written out/drawn diagrams and understand majority of the information. What I still don't know, I write out on printer paper. Working on printer paper allows you to break up the page however you like! If you prefer diagrams, columns, colored pens, etc.

Lighter Weeks
Those weeks when you can hang out with friends before and after every class >
Try to make some of that time dedicated to "getting ahead"! Work schedules on syllabi are a great way to start getting ahead on assignments due the following week. Creating study guides for tests you know will be coming is also great to do during lighter weeks. Using lighter weeks to your advantage will help make the heavier weeks feel not so heavy.


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