Things To Do During Sophomore Year

Looking to get ahead of the game? Have extra time? Here are a few ideas to accelerate!

1. Set Goals. 
Do you know what professions stem from your major? What kind of job you see yourself with? Research!

What are the stats like? Is one job gaining popularity? Is another slowly dying/fading out? 

Make a list of potential internships you want to apply for and note down when each application is due. 

What do the applications require of you? Do you need to work on a certain skill in the meantime? How can you work to become a better applicant? 

2. Interview Prep. 
Behavioral questions! Practice over and over again. You are always going to be asked behavioral questions. 

Here are some questions to practice how you would answer:

I have tons of interview tips from 10+ interviews and will compile them into a later post!

3. Find Inspiration in People. 
My favorite influencer is Ryan Serhant - I've watched him on the show (Million Dollar Listings NY) for years now, read his first book, watch his daily vlogs, and follow him on instagram. His motivation and success inspires me to be the best I can be everyday. He also has the best catchphrases and slogans - my fav is "READY SET GO!"

4. Keep Your LinkedIn Updated. 
Did you just accept a new position? Join a new club? Your LinkedIn and resume should show those updates!

Tip: you can change your LinkedIn url! Recruiters ask for the url in online applications, so have a clean url! If you go to your profile, you can click 'Edit public profile & URL' on the right hand column. 

Keep your profile picture current and use what represents you the best. Doesn't always need to be a professional headshot!

5. Go Time: Mock Interviews and Career Fair. 
Your university offers these resources and they will benefit you like crazy!

If you have an idea on which companies you are interested in interning/working for, start getting to know the recruiters at the career fairs. The earlier you can foster this relationship, the better it will be for you when application and interview time comes around. Introduce yourself, make sure they have your resume and that you're in their system. You want recruiters to recognize you from constantly showing up to each career fair and taking the time to talk to them!

Mock interviews calm the nerves and teach you what you can improve on. These can be with university staff or real company recruiters. At the end, your interviewer will most likely run through how the interview went and give you helpful suggestions!


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