10 Dorm Move-In Day Must-Haves

Happy Move-In! I wish you all the best as you get ready for an amazing year. 

I remember the summer before my freshmen year I would look up tips and articles on college advice, and I figured that now is the time for me to be the one to post about it! I’ll be going into my junior year and living apartment style for the first time.

My freshmen year I lived in a normal double with communal bathrooms – here are the tips I suggest!

1. Doorstop

Often dorm doors are self-closing and it is a hassle to constantly need to pull out your key/card/etc. A doorstop will be a lifesaver while you bring in large containers and boxes of your stuff!

2. Labels

If upperclassmen are on deck and helping carry loads from the car to your room, help make their life easier and label all your things with last name and hall/room number. Don’t want your things to get mixed up with someone else’s! You can also add what it is so your move-in day self knows if it is bedding or desk items. 

3. Toolkit

Never know if that nightstand is going to be a little bit harder to assemble than you thought. Or even that bathroom organizer. 

4. Food and Water

Don’t underestimate this one. The last thing you want is hanger getting in the way!

5. Fans

If your dorm doesn’t have AC and your spending a few hours getting settled in—bringing a fan or two will help you stay cool as you unpack those boxes. 

6. Cleaning Products

Wipe down the top of the desk, inside drawers and anything else you think is a little grimy or dusty. Having them in a spot that you can remember will make it quick to pull them out and get straight to cleaning!

7. Tape and Scissors

Tape down all boxes/drawers that can easily fly open and scissors to cut open packaging.

8. Athletic Wear

With or without AC, move-in day is an exciting workout! You’ll definitely be burning calories walking up and down plenty of stairs and carrying lots of heavy items. Sneakers over flip flops!

9. Large Garbage Bag

My freshmen move-in day the closest garbage bin was in the bathroom down the hall—to make it easier on yourself just bring a larger garbage bag that you can hang off the chair/door and dispose trash/packaging/random bits more conveniently. At the end of the day you can throw the whole thing into the residential halls bin! *Always try your best to put what you can in the recycling*

10. Unpacking Plan

As a final note, I suggest starting with larger categories—bedding (first thing!), clothes, shoes, building nightstands, etc. and saving the wall décor and putting up photos for last!

Don’t forget you and your move-in squad are allowed to take breaks! Sit in the new room and take in everything happening so quickly around you. If there is one thing to take away from reading this: TAKE LOTS OF PICTURES!! 


Sarah xx


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