
New Goal: Read More

While home for winter break, I became aware that I had lost complete touch with reading. Reading for myself outside of class, that is. At a business event, professionals with v e r y successful careers really emphasized a few books to help kickstart my career. It finally clicked that I need to prioritize books. Transitioning back to college, I rediscovered my kindle. I am currently reading One Day in December by Josie Silver. Almost half way in! Can't say I recommend it until I finish it though... In short, this year I want to read a lot more. One week at school later, I have already spent a few hours reading quietly. Definitely a hard thing to get used to when being so social at college! I plan to update this post with my progress and check in regularly, hopefully to grow a long list of books read.  Let me know what you're currently reading! Sarah xx

College Guide To: Scheduling & Distraction-Free Studying

Planning & Scheduling I have found the Apple Calendar App to be the most efficient and effective, when compared to a paper planner. Before the start of each semester, I put in all my classes. The digital format is great since there is the option to add reminders and alarms, which I actually did take advantage of last semester. An alarm went off 10 minutes before every one of my classes. Below is a list of topics I add: - wake up time - appointments/meetings - when to work on specific assignments - when tickets go on sale - miscellaneous events - time for gym/workout/run/fit classes - time for LinkedIn/networking - club/intramural sports - project due dates - phone calls (more often than I would like to admit I would add in breakfast, lunch & dinner!) *Extreme planner* Every Friday I quickly skim my school's master event calendar (frequently updated) and add things for the following week, that way the weekend begins and I have my calendar set for Monday. I es

Favorite NY Restaurants

I've decided that I am going to use this page as a running list of restaurants I would recommend! 1. PepeGiallo My friends and I found this place with a quick yelp search in Penn Station. Usually that scares me, as I like to know ratings, reviews, etc. before I try a new place-but I was pleasantly surprised when we were seated at our table about how nice it was. If you're into aesthetic, come here.  About 1pm on a Friday it was just the right amount of busy, and the service was one of the best-I was really impressed. I ordered the gnocchi alla checca with fresh mozzarella and tomato and finished the entire dish! Location: 10th Avenue parallel to High Line. Best for: Service & Atmosphere Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Top of the Rock NYC

I love NYC & everything about it. Over my previous winter break, my friends and I went to visit the  Top of the Rock  and still always talk about how fun it was. Follow my blog with Bloglovin You basically have 360 views & Midtown access to all the shops and activities-including the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree and Ice Skating Rink which is why this is the perfect winter activity. You can go between the indoor and outdoor sky-decks as you please so you don't have to stand outside for very long if it's particularly cold. The Top of the Rock runs on a timed-ticket schedule. Tip: GET YOUR TICKETS IN ADVANCE!!! Especially if you are looking for a sunset time slot, as they book the fastest. This system works nicely because once you have that ticket - your in! And you can stay for as long as you please taking in the views. Tickets are $38 for adults & $32 for under age 12. They also have the option of SUN & STARS which allows you to go 2x in

Oia, Santorini, Greece

Last stop of the Greece trip: Santorini. And it was surreal.  The stay was at White Pearl Villas Sunset Chaser-the  closest residence to the sunset, setting us up for the best views! The stores had the most unique products-I bought lots of jewelry because the designs were so gorgeous and like nothing I had seen before! Bright white buildings and blues to compliment the ocean.  A popular swimming spot below the cliffs of Oia. Oia - but from a boat's perspective!  So easy to relax.... Some more pictures from the island~ Follow my blog with Bloglovin

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