
Black Lives Matter

Hi! Well, I took a little bit of a hiatus from this project. But I'm back now and I have decided that I am going to use my voice to write on the tragedy that is America right now. First, I would like to share the summary on what BlackLivesMatter is, as stated on the official website : '#BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin's murderer. Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. By combating and countering acts of violence, creating space for Black imagination and innovation, and centering Black joy, we are winning immediate improvements in our lives.'  The following is a list of things that I am doing: 1. Simply watching this youtube video! As I'm writing this post and doing other tasks on my mac, I have this vide

New Goal: Read More

While home for winter break, I became aware that I had lost complete touch with reading. Reading for myself outside of class, that is. At a business event, professionals with v e r y successful careers really emphasized a few books to help kickstart my career. It finally clicked that I need to prioritize books. Transitioning back to college, I rediscovered my kindle. I am currently reading One Day in December by Josie Silver. Almost half way in! Can't say I recommend it until I finish it though... In short, this year I want to read a lot more. One week at school later, I have already spent a few hours reading quietly. Definitely a hard thing to get used to when being so social at college! I plan to update this post with my progress and check in regularly, hopefully to grow a long list of books read.  Let me know what you're currently reading! Sarah xx

College Guide To: Scheduling & Distraction-Free Studying

Planning & Scheduling I have found the Apple Calendar App to be the most efficient and effective, when compared to a paper planner. Before the start of each semester, I put in all my classes. The digital format is great since there is the option to add reminders and alarms, which I actually did take advantage of last semester. An alarm went off 10 minutes before every one of my classes. Below is a list of topics I add: - wake up time - appointments/meetings - when to work on specific assignments - when tickets go on sale - miscellaneous events - time for gym/workout/run/fit classes - time for LinkedIn/networking - club/intramural sports - project due dates - phone calls (more often than I would like to admit I would add in breakfast, lunch & dinner!) *Extreme planner* Every Friday I quickly skim my school's master event calendar (frequently updated) and add things for the following week, that way the weekend begins and I have my calendar set for Monday. I es

Favorite NY Restaurants

I've decided that I am going to use this page as a running list of restaurants I would recommend! 1. PepeGiallo My friends and I found this place with a quick yelp search in Penn Station. Usually that scares me, as I like to know ratings, reviews, etc. before I try a new place-but I was pleasantly surprised when we were seated at our table about how nice it was. If you're into aesthetic, come here.  About 1pm on a Friday it was just the right amount of busy, and the service was one of the best-I was really impressed. I ordered the gnocchi alla checca with fresh mozzarella and tomato and finished the entire dish! Location: 10th Avenue parallel to High Line. Best for: Service & Atmosphere Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Top of the Rock NYC

I love NYC & everything about it. Over my previous winter break, my friends and I went to visit the  Top of the Rock  and still always talk about how fun it was. Follow my blog with Bloglovin You basically have 360 views & Midtown access to all the shops and activities-including the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree and Ice Skating Rink which is why this is the perfect winter activity. You can go between the indoor and outdoor sky-decks as you please so you don't have to stand outside for very long if it's particularly cold. The Top of the Rock runs on a timed-ticket schedule. Tip: GET YOUR TICKETS IN ADVANCE!!! Especially if you are looking for a sunset time slot, as they book the fastest. This system works nicely because once you have that ticket - your in! And you can stay for as long as you please taking in the views. Tickets are $38 for adults & $32 for under age 12. They also have the option of SUN & STARS which allows you to go 2x in

Oia, Santorini, Greece

Last stop of the Greece trip: Santorini. And it was surreal.  The stay was at White Pearl Villas Sunset Chaser-the  closest residence to the sunset, setting us up for the best views! The stores had the most unique products-I bought lots of jewelry because the designs were so gorgeous and like nothing I had seen before! Bright white buildings and blues to compliment the ocean.  A popular swimming spot below the cliffs of Oia. Oia - but from a boat's perspective!  So easy to relax.... Some more pictures from the island~ Follow my blog with Bloglovin

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